Martin Feinberg Real Estate

Culver City Resident Gears up for the Great Cycle Challenge

Image is of a cyclist on a road with green trees in the background.The Great Cycle Challenge USA is taking place for the third time this June and Culver City resident Joel Falter plans on leading the pack again this year in both miles cycled and donations collected.

The Great Cycle Challenge USA (GCC) is a nationwide event that will see approximately 30,000 riders attempting to raise more than $4 million for the Children’s Cancer Research Fund. Riders raise money by setting up a page on the GCC website and pledging a specific number of miles they promise to ride. Riders also set up a funding goal, which is mutually exclusive to the mileage.

In 2016, Falter managed to ride 632 miles and raised almost $14,000, which made him the third highest fundraiser in the country. He has set a 700-mile goal this year. He also hopes to exceed his previous fundraising efforts, though he has set a modest monetary goal of $12,000.

Falter, who will be 60 in July, is the chief operating officer at a transportation, planning, engineering, and consulting firm. He has lived in Culver City for 15 years. He became interested in GCC last year after reading an article about it.

“A lot of fundraisers are walkathons or running,” Falter said. “This was cycling and I’m passionate about riding my bike. When I read the details of establishing my own goals to raise as much as I can, I thought it was great. I generally ride before work anyway, so I just set out to do it. It’s probably the most rewarding and exciting thing I’ve ever done.”

So far, Falter has raised $8,701 of his goal, with $3,299 more to go.

“Unlike other events, anyone can state any number of miles they want,” Falter said. “You’re on the honor system, but there’s an app on your phone so every time you ride, it logs and updates your ride and the miles. So people will be able to see that I lived up to my commitment. A lot of people were following last year to see how I was doing. They’d egg me on, just to keep me motivated and honest.”

In order for Falter to reach his 700-mile goal he must ride an average of 23.3 miles every day of the month of June. This means Falter is usually up before 5 a.m. plotting his course.

“Weekends are a little easier because I can ride longer,” he said. “But getting up in the morning, it’s about getting out early enough and beating traffic. In the morning, you’re contending with rush hour traffic. I like to try to be out of people’s way.”

Culver City Real Estate offers access to many excellent bike trails as well as bike lanes. Martin Feinberg, Culver City Realtor, hopes everyone takes advantage of the community’s resources.

Image is of a word cloud with the words helping, volunteering, community, and donations as the focus.According to, “People of all ages, abilities and from every state across the country set themselves a personal riding goal and challenge themselves to pedal throughout June to fight kids’ cancer. In 2 years, our community of 39,284 riders from all 50 states has ridden a total of 3,397,199 miles, and together we’ve raised $4,717,515 in support of research to develop better treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer. Why? Because over 15,700 American children are diagnosed with cancer every year, and sadly, 38 children die every week.”

Sammy Steinlight, the public relations officer for GCC, states, “During the past two years, nearly 40,000 riders in all 50 states, pedaled three million miles throughout June, raising more than $4.7 million to fund vital childhood cancer research.”

Martin Feinberg, Culver City Realtor, reminds everyone that anyone can get involved in the Great Cycle Challenge, regardless of his or her personal riding level. Visit for more information.Great

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