Martin Feinberg Real Estate

Students from Culver City Sister City in Japan Arrive for Visit

Image is of three female Japanese students.Eight middle school students, along with three chaperones, arrived in town on Wednesday from Culver City’s Sister City of Kaizuka Japan.   The students and adults will be here for a ten-day visit and tour of local schools and other Culver City sights. The visit is part of an ongoing exchange program between the American and Japanese cities.

Martin Feinberg, Culver City Realtor, is a long time fan of the exchange program. Culver City, and Culver City Real Estate, benefit when respect for different cultures increases.

During the trip the Japanese students and chaperones will be visiting local Culver City schools, touring City Hall, the police and fire stations, and Sony Studios, swimming at the Municipal Plunge, and hiking Baldwin Hills Overlook.

As part of the ten-day long event, Culver City residents are invited to attend a “Meet and Greet” gathering on Monday July 31, from 5 to 7 p.m.   This will take place in the Dan Patacchia Room at City Hall. Mayor Jeff Cooper and other council members will be in attendance. Light snacks will be served and no reservation is necessary.

Image is of three American students.On Thursday August 3, Culver City residents are invited to attend a farewell potluck dinner. This will be held in the home of “Mr. Culver City” Mike Cohen on 4378 Jasmine Ave. The event will begin at 7 p.m. and will include talks by both the Japanese visitors and their host families about their experiences. For this event, any who wish to attend will need to RSVP to Lyndon Stambler at 310-815-0534. They will need to bring a food or beverage and should be ready to indicate what they will be bringing during that call.

Martin Feinberg, Realtor, hopes that the ten-day visit will be both fun and beneficial for all who participate, and encourages Culver City residents to take the opportunity to make new friends and support the Sister City program.

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