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Culver CityBus Celebrates 90 Years of Continuous Service on Saturday

Image is the number 90 inside a red circle with white background.On March 3 the Culver CityBus will have provided 90 years of continuous bus service to the Culver City Real Estate area. In honor of that accomplishment Culver City is offering free bus rides today as well as a community celebration tomorrow March 3.

The Culver CityBus began running on March 3, 1928 after Mayor Reve Houck began exploring options for city transportation that would be more cost effective than those offered by Pacific Electric. Houck and the Board of Trustees discovered that, under a provision of the California constitution, a city could operate its own transportation service and created the Culver CityBus. It is the second oldest municipally owned bus line in the state of California.

According to Houck’s daughter, Alene Houck Johnson, Mayor Houck financed the first CityBus himself. The Culver City community quickly supported the idea of a community bus service however and a bond financed the rest of the bus line.

Martin Feinberg, Culver City Realtor was interested to learn that the Culver CityBus boards approximately 5.8 million passengers each year. The buses in the fleet are powered by compressed natural gas (CNG), making them safer for the community and more energy efficient. In 2012 the CityBus was named the 3rd Best Municipal Fleet in North America, out of 38,000 fleets.

As a way to say thank you for allowing the Culver CityBus to serve the community, all commuters have the opportunity to ride free today and check out what the transportation service has to offer.

Image is the inside of a city bus.The public is also invited to celebrate the CityBus anniversary tomorrow from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Transportation Headquarters at 4343 Duquesne Ave. The celebration will include giveaways, free food, caricature artists, a DJ, Mayor and Council Member speeches, photo booth, and pictures. The Anniversary Wrapped Bus will also be present.

Martin Feinberg, Realtor, hopes to see everyone there.

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